There are a lot of people out there who aren’t getting the natural, restful sleep they need and have come to think of their chronic fatigue as an inevitability. This is not true at all. Sleep apnea is a fact of life for many people and is something everyone needs to know about.
A major reason why a lot of people deal with the sleep apnea condition is because of the excess weight they’re carrying. If this is true for you, try getting a little thinner. Follow a strict diet and exercise regimen for awhile to see if this makes a difference. According to recent scientific work, many people looking to lose weight can also benefit from reducing their intake of carbohydrates.
Talk to your physician about the possibility of a mouth piece to correct your sleep. Sleep apnea can be caused by a genetically small jaw, recessed chin or a breathing passage that is too small. There are a number of different devices to correct for these issues. Simply aligning your jaw may be all that is necessary.
It is important to use your CPAP machine if instructed to by your doctor. You should use it for the full night, but if you cannot, try to get at least 4 hours with the machine. Many folks have difficulty adjusting to the CPAP in the beginning. Keep in mind your CPAP device should be used at least four hours per night for it to help you. If you find it hard to get used to your CPAP, use it for only 4 hours at a go.
If your physician has prescribed a CPAP machine, do try to sleep a minimum of four hours with it nightly. It can be hard, at first, to get comfortable using it. Four hours of use daily is recommended with a CPAP machine to see the medical benefits. Try two hours at first if you must. The next week you should increase that amount to 4 hours. In the end, you should never use it less than 4 hours per night on a permanent basis.
You have learned much helpful information concerning sleep apnea, so be watching out for the signs. Being tired all the time is not normal, and you do not need to suffer in silence.