Yeast infections are an uncomfortable part of life that many women fear. You might feel awkward seeking advice on dealing with your yeast infection problems, but it’s very important that you find the right information. The following article has some great advice about how to treat and prevent yeast infections.
In order to prevent yeast infections, always dry thoroughly after showering. Water serves as a primary cause of many yeast infections. If you stay dry, yeast will stay under control.
If you are susceptible to recurring yeast infections, it may be time to rethink your use of bath products. Stay away from any hygiene products that feature dyes or fragrances. Any of these can alter the routine chemistry and pH balance of the vaginal interior, opening the door to yeast infections. Rather, stick with milder, hypoallergenic options.
At nighttime, run a warm bath and put in about two cups of apple cider vinegar. Vinegar can balance your natural pH levels and hinder yeast growth. Don’t soak for longer that you usually do. If necessary, you can make a douching solution of warm water and three tablespoons of cider vinegar.
Many people don’t realize just how important acidophilis is for women. It is a live culture found in a lot of yogurts can slow down or stop the infection. Only consume the sugar-free yogurt. Yeast need to eat sugar, so the more you take in, the more they can reproduce.
Don’t use anything that is scented. Douches and body scrubs should not be used. These products can disturb the natural balance of your vagina. This leaves you more susceptible to yeast infections. There are soaps that are specifically designed for the genital region that you can use instead.
Avoid scented soaps and bubble baths. The chemicals in the products can cause yeast infections or make them worse. Also avoid scented tampons and pads as they have a similar effect.
In conclusion, it can be hard to deal with yeast infections. But, when you know how to cope with them properly, life is easier. Be sure to apply what you have learned here so you will be in a better position to deal with the infection if it ever occurs.